Mens , Womens Leather Clothing Closeouts!

Mens , Womens Leather Clothing Closeouts!

Note the sizes available and quantity available.

Men's Premium Leather Vest

Closeout Price 30%off Reg Price $30.88
Bufflo Leather  Chaps  (XS SIZE ONLY)

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $42.50
Men's Vented Gathered Leather Jacket (Size 44)

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $95.00
Men's Classic Leather Motorcycle Jacket Size 52   on CLOSEOUT!

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $52.98
Brown Leather Embossed Motorcycle  Jacket SIZE 52 only

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $97.98
Ladies' Tailored Leather Pants

Closeout price 50%off Reg Price $59.75
Italian Stone Design  Leather Jacket MEDIUM ONLY

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $28.00
Ladies  3/4 Length Italian Stone Design Leather Coat  Medium

Closeout price 50% off Reg Price $24.98
Black Leather Vest Side Laced SIZE 38 ONLY

Closeout Price 50%off Reg Price $21.98